The Spiritual Community of the Òrìṣà – Energies of Nature

II Ẹgbẹ́ Òrìṣà II The Spiritual Community of the Òrìṣà – Energies of Nature



Sàra – a form of spiritual generosity: generosity as means of communication with divinities helping us achieve our goals.

In this life, everything is reciprocal. Regardless of what we want our lives to be like and regardless of where our interests lie, we have to give something away in order to get something in return. Nothing in this life is free. People never offer anything without having their own interests in the back of their minds. It is a lie to claim that we do something selflessly, without expecting something in return. At the very least, our ego revels in the personal satisfaction of doing something “for free”. Our personal satisfaction is, therefore, both interest and payment.

Everything in this life is based on the two balances: what we wish to have and what we are willing to give away in order to get it.

Sàra works in accordance with the same logic.

Sàra is one of the fundamental rituals that is very simple, inexpensive, and accessible to everybody. It is intended to spark an inclination to search for the solution to our problems.

We believe in different energies that are constantly in touch with human beings. These energies, which can be referred to as spirits, are intimately acquainted with our problems as well as their solutions. They function as intermediaries between the physical and the spiritual aspects of life. We believe in life that stretches beyond the earthly realm. Moreover, we believe we are constantly under various influences originating in the spiritual world.

Sometimes people wake up in a bad mood, feeling unwell, exhausted, and even more tired than before going to bed. How on earth is that possible? We went to rest; therefore, we should be fitter and healthier. This happens because we are in constant interaction with the supernatural world. Sàra is the energy we create in order to maintain this communication.

By performing the ritual, we transmit the message regarding our problems, our wishes, and our requests to our friends and relatives who are already inhabiting the spiritual world.

The symbolism of sàra is related to all of these invisible energies and powers and is intended for the energies we are calling upon. In exchange, they grant us whatever we ask for – health, peace, tranquillity, good luck, success, love, etc.

Whenever we perform the sàra ritual at home, we should invite other people to join us. When we extend an invitation, all of our spiritual friends and spiritual energies that are a part of our universe become attentive and willing to accept our offering. This can only be the result of human contentment, and that is why the said ritual must be performed collectively.

However, inviting a person over for a cup of coffee does not count as a form of the sàra ritual. The ritual must include a wider crowd because only the collective energy of contentment after enjoying a good meal will have a substantial impact on our problem and enable us to access the relevant energies that will work to our benefit. Whoever performs the sàra ritual has an interest in relation to their life goals.

Those goals can be temporary; for example, a person who fell ill may invite people to sàra in order to attract energies that speed up the recovery process. Alternatively, the sàra ritual may be performed as a preventive measure in order to placate the energies that keep us healthy.

The sàra ritual may also be performed at regular intervals, particularly in relation to people with Àbíkú energy, for example those who are frequently misunderstood by society, those who may be described as self-destructive geniuses, or those who are prone to accidents and illnesses but still possess an incredible ability to persevere. Such people have to perform the sàra ritual regularly and invite their spiritual friends to embrace their energy. As long as this is done frequently, the strength and energy of such individuals will be replenished and revitalized.

Someone may also decide to frequently perform sàra rituals as a personal pact with the energies, perhaps with the intention of facilitating constant progress in life. We may allocate one percent of our salary to the revitalization of our good luck by frequently performing the sàra ritual.

Purchase good quality food and prepare it with utmost love and dedication because if you want to yield good results, you have to serve food to your guests with respect. Even buying sweets and giving them to children at your local playground is a version of sàra. Before serving food to your guests, offer a plate of food and a glass of drink to Ẹgbẹ́ – the energy of spiritual brothers and sisters. You can either place it in a corner of your house or take it out into the garden. In essence, sàra is a spiritual ritual that can be performed by anyone who believes in the existence of invisible energies. The guests need not know what the feast is intended for, but it is ideal if they do. In our philosophy, the guests express gratitude for sàra by symbolically cleansing the body of their host – with a simple gesture as if patting him or her on the back.

Many people are already unwittingly performing the sàra ritual as even many traditional folk customs include a feast to commemorate important events and celebrations through sharing the joy with other people over a nice meal.

The sàra ritual should take place in a merry atmosphere, and the goals we aim to achieve by performing it should be clearly specified.