The Spiritual Community of the Òrìṣà – Energies of Nature

II Ẹgbẹ́ Òrìṣà II The Spiritual Community of the Òrìṣà – Energies of Nature

Priests and priestesses

Priests and priestesses

Spiritual maturity acquired through numerous traditional consecrations and a long-term study of the wisdom of life through odu Ifá, the wisdom of individual Òrìṣà, the techniques and the meanings behind traditional rituals is what the members of the Spiritual Community of the Òrìṣà – Energies of Nature perceive as the underlying foundation for the provision of help and orientation to people.

 We want all of you who chose us as your advisers to have a clear picture of what you can expect from us once you meet us in person as well as from the Òrìṣà whose wisdom, energy, strength, and abilities are revealed through divination and rituals.